Betagen by EAS
In advertising Betagen EAS says that: "The concept behind this new EAS supplement is rather simple-it didn't take any Nobel Prize winners to come up with this one." I would have to agree with that statement about Betagen because I would hope that a Nobel Prize winner could come up with a better product for building muscle. Don't get me wrong, I think that Creatine is an excellent supplement with plenty of research data to support it's effectiveness for building muscle. The problem I have is with the purported claims about HMB.
I first heard about HMB in 1996 when EAS started hyping it as practically the greatest discovery since man came across water. All the hype was based on one flimsy research study done by S.L. Nissen.1 Any research scientist worth his weight will tell you that drawing conclusions from only one or two research studies is at best amateurish and at worst criminal. When you are dealing with studies involving the human body where there are literally millions of possible variables it is even more important that you have as much information as possible before drawing a conclusion. Am I overstating my case? Let me just say that if you believe that HMB has been definitively proven by science then I have some stock I would like to sell you in a company producing electricity with cold fusion. If you don't know what I am talking about you should look into a scientific breakthrough announced in 1988 by two scientists: Pons and Fliechmann.2 I think you will see a lot of similarities between the hype surrounding cold fusion and what has happened with HMB. Both are examples of what happens when financial profits become more important than the truth.
So much for the research about HMB but what about real world results which is what matters most to you and me. I personally have talked to at least 100 people who have used HMB and told me that they felt that had not gotten a thing from using it. Ask around. I'll bet most people you talk to will say the same thing. Oh, I'm sure there are a few people who will say it worked because they are too ashamed to admit they were taken. I am willing to bet that the majority will say it was a waste of money.
Our final recommendation on Betagen is that you save your money. The 90 serving size only contains 180 grams of Creatine. You can buy that much creatine for about $ 8.00 so is it worth it to you to spend another $ 57.00 for the HMB? For about half the price of Betagen you can get the same amount of Creatine and some type of Andro Stack and you will get ten times the results.
1S.L. Nissen, et al., "The Effect of Leucine Metabolite B-Hydroxy B-Methylbutyrate on Muscle Metabolsim During Resistance-Exercise Training." J.Appl. Physiol. 81 (1996): 2095-2104.
2Taubes, G. Bad Science: The Short Life and Weird Times of Cold Fusion. New York, Random House, 1993.
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